Saturday, 15 September 2007

Lazy Saturday after hectic Friday...

.... Only fair so!!

Friday was a wee bit manic.... Lesley was heading away for the weekend and Pip could not swing a halfer. So into the breach rides I.

Which meant driving out to Trim for 12.30 picking up the lads, driving back home, just time for a quick bite to eat, driving out to collect Liadan.

It was all to the good, as it meant I got to spend some time with Liam and Tara. They all played away happily in the garden all afternoon. Pip collected them at 6....and Des and I sat down for a nice end of week rest.

But Then .... Then....

My mum and dad arrived....

Ah well best laid plans and all that......


Saturday... was a real lazy day. Liadan skidadled off up to Shaunas... Sean went into town, my folks gave him money, so that was burning a hole in his wee pocket, he is aparently getting a new piercing... so watch this space !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I spent the afternoon tidying up the craft press, sorting out this and that and the other.... and started making a new mini book.

Gonna watch the rugby now..

1 comment:

Karva said...

Well done to your DS on the exam results, love the new hairstyle, the cakes look to good to eat and please tell me which shop i can get the pink doc shoes in, they are so cute!!!