Monday, 19 April 2010


Everyone loves cupcakes. I love making them as they are so so easy and versitile. So i made some recently and decided to go one little step further...
And made some fancy paper cases for them !!
These were a littlebit eastery as i made them the easter weekend ...!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ingvar Visits ....

Ingvar Kampard - who founded IKEA - visited the store last week ... boy was there excitement !! Not to mention the amount of hard work and preparation invovled in having someone as important as that visiting us. You could well be forgiven in thinking that it was the second coming !!
Some photos from the day ...
I managed to actually get a shot of 'Our Mary' - one of the hardest workers I have ever met. She hardly ever stops still ... will often forget that she is due a break and is like a little whorlwind in the department. Needless to say we all love her!!

This is Gary - going to be a pilot when he 'grows up'!!

Charlotte - originally from Sweeden herself - I think she is coming around to the Irish sense of humour and feeling more comfortable around us!! God help Her !!

Ann - working - on a day off !!

Manager Clare - we is afraid of her (not really ......................)

The Man himself - chatted away - bad mike - we couldn't quite make out what he was saying :-( ... so when he asked if there were any questions !! I think people were afraid to ask in case he had just told us the answer ....!!

Getting the group photo set up .... Ingvar is 83 now and he just popped down on the floor ready to go !! Hope I am able to do that at that age ...

Photobucket Photobucket

It took a fair while to try and get everyone organised for a group shot ....

Its now official - EVERYONE in Ikea loves 'our Mary !!)

I had a chance for a little hug with a mulit-billionare myself !! So I took it.

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Day out at Trim ...

We headed out to trim for the hot air balloon festival. It was cold and windy on the day we picked to go .... so we got lots of grey dark photos!!


Liadan & Liam ... looking a bit on the cold side



Tara & Philllip ... look at that Lens !! Tara got lovely new glasses recently.


We did get to see one balloon being inflated - it was deflated pretty much immediately due to the wind :-(

Did I say it was a grey and cold day !??

Still at least there was candy floss - seemed to make most of us feel better!!
We went back to Lesley's place ... had a lovely curry and chat!
Liam raised a smile or two (nothing unusual there!!)

And he got his cousin Sean to help make a big line of dinos up the hall way ... Reminded us so much of when Sean was small - he loved to make lines of his toys across the floor...!!

All together now ....

Open the door - get on the floor - EVERYBODY WALK THE DINOSAUR !!
The kids thought we had made up that song - youtube to the rescue.

Liam ended up - literly - on the floor laughing!!

Superman ? - No just Des !!

This is why I HATE that nose piercing. He always looks like he is picking his nose - GRRRR

Lesley - looking lovley - as usual!!

I got new glasses too ..... Bifocals now!!
Guess I am old now.